OGTC Don't send your daughters, don't send your sons!

See a warning below from a sexual assault survivor who was shamed into leaving the Our Generation Training Center. We highly recommend you read her full story here. Fair warning, it is very hard to read through.

''How they treat people, hold people to standards that are completely unrealistic, hide sin and violate people and their trust, they humiliate people who tell the truth about them,  they tell you to live for God but you’re living for them. They praise and praise you and then drag you through the dirt. I’ve witnessed this myself and I’ve seen it happen to my friends there. It’s a broken system with broken leadership. People that should never have the power that they do. Don’t send your daughters, don’t send your sons. Everyone puts on a great show but underneath lies the rot. “Be more” they say, “do more”. Work until you bleed or give up.


Vision lets 15-16 year olds be courted by 18+ year old predators. So much that it’s normal behavior now. No one questions it. Sure, make jokes, but no one will stop it. These kids don’t even know who they are and as soon as they are 18 they are whisked off into a marriage for the rest of their lives. It’s all they know.

Vision allows women to be treated like trash by their husbands as long as they are “sweet” in public.

Vision taunts and humiliates men until they are forced to leave or bend to the will of leadership.

This toxic culture needs to stop.


My abuser? Angel Sanchez

Leadership of the culture of abuse, the facilitators? The ones in the room?

Austin Gardner

Jeff Bush

Robert Canfield

Trent Cornwell

And anyone who worships at the feet of these people. Trust me, by the end of it everyone knew my personal story. Repeating it now is not putting something out there that is a surprise to anyone. If you're reading this from Vision, you already know this and already let it happen and be covered up.

They failed me, they have failed others. The good they have done does not justify the horror they have allowed. Nothing has changed. These men are still in power, still hurting people. Still pushing ideas that are not biblical. The change must be to humble, to seek to set things right so that God may have the glory through it all.

I am thankful to have gotten through this horrible time in my life and learned who God really is and how he loves. Thankful for my family and friends who have supported me, thankful that I was able to receive council after leaving this situation and receive true help for the trauma I endured under the leadership at the OGTC."
